the other one - passion, love and everything else.
How can you choose your future based on two completely different world? If I choose safety, I would live a delighted life with no passion. Likely I would be able to afford all the luxurious things I want, point and pay. As simple as that. Tennis court, swimming pool, fancy dinners and socialites.
Passion? Love? The beatles say love makes the world go around. But in fact it doesnt, love doesnt make you gain more money. It sure is an additional point. But two humans in love can lead to separation due to financial difficulties. But can we cope with it? I truly believe we can. It would be nice to tell our children the story of their parents. Awfully similar to romeo&juliet without the death. How wonderful. But can I start living from scratch? Does he like me? Does he still care? I dont understand how people around kept on saying he does, yet I think hes changed. He doesnt love me anymore. But why do I still keep that sweet taste of our memory? Was it only me all along?
The thing is, I can be 110% sure with one. I wont get myself hurt. But the other... Cant you tell? one paragraph is shorter, the other full of questions. Which one do i prefer? its obvious. Safety says nothing. I would choose love over anything. But is it still there?
I'm fucking drunk.
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