Wednesday, November 4, 2009

no wasted weekend.

second row from the end, there i was scribbling in my notes. thankfully my eyes were kept open by two invisible threads, or was it the determination? not important. suddenly the slide said:

brand identity + brand personality = strong retail

woke me up in a heartbeat. the whole identity crisis has been on my mind lately, i was trying to decide how to become one individual instead of the countless. funny how a human being can also be understood through the principals of a shop. a retail shop, to be exact. in order for me to be a strong individual, i have to find my own identity.. then build my personality from there? or vice versa? my cousin has been putting that suit on - from surfer guy, preppy to chuck bass and indie. none of them suit him yet he seems comfortable that whenever he changes, he is in a state (or clique). sigh, i actually cannot be fucked to find it. lets hope it'll come to me eventually..

despite all that, i love leading this double life i've started two days ago. dangerous yet thrilling. only a few were informed, others curious.

oh, everything looks perfect from far away.

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